Tuesday 1 October 2013


 Let it be known unto the world that the HERMETIC ORDER of LVX ILLUMINATE(Golden Dawn) ® better known to the profane  as the Hermetic Order of the Lightbulb has been PUBLICALLY REVEALED.
Tomas Edison Grandmaster of our ORDER
With our THOUSANDS POINTS of LIGHT program®, it is fair to say where ever you see a lightbulb, there is one of our hidden temples.  For we are the ONLY GOLDEN DAWN ORDER with billions of members.

We have MANIFESTED using the form of the HERMETIC ORDER of the GOLDEN DAWN and claim direct LINEAGE through Thomas Edison who received a warrant from Samuel Mathers at the request of his SECRET CHIEFS.

Let it be known that the HERMETIC ORDER of LVX ILLUMINATE (Golden Dawn) ® are the ONLY TRUE holders of the GREAT PILE of PHOTOCOPIES which were given unto Thomas Edison by Samuel Mathers before the Schism of 1900.   Thus we teach ONLY the PURE form of GOLDEN DAWN teaching, UNCORUPTED by the schism, and the DEMON CROWLEY who destroyed the AO of MATHERS and severed his connection with the SECRET CHIEFS.  Nor is it TAINTED by the STELLA MATUTINA rituals which were PROFANED by ISRAEL REGARDIE and Nicoli Tesla.

In proof we offer the only TRUE method of wearing the sash correctly and WARN those who wear it incorrectly that they will suffer from the CURSE of CROWLEY if they wear them the wrong way.
But ABOVE ALL. We hold to the SECRET TEACHINGS of how a LIGHT BULB may be screwed in.  This teaching was SUPPRESSED by the REBEL ORDERS of the GOLDEN DAWN and lost FOREVER.

Only our order has the current from the Secret Chief, created at the divine plugging in of our Order with the SECRET CHIEFS  in ANCIENT EGYPT. From this came the immortal Golden Dawn saying:  "I come in the POWER of the LIGHT" .

FOR 122 years our order has hidden its LIGHT under a bushel and watched while other GOLDEN ORDERS have PROFANED our MYSTERIES.  There is even one Open Sauce reconstructionalist order which DARES to screw in its light bulbs using the GODFORMS of CROWLEY and screwing in its bulbs the ANTI-CLOCKWISE.

There is another post-modern CORRUPTION which claims that the SECRET CHIEFS are nothing but CATS to be worshiped. 
However, we can trace our linage beyond the GOLDEN DAWN to the very foundations of ANCIENT EGYPT where the ROYAL ART of screwing in a light bulb was taught as a secret training in ALCHEMY.  No-one can understand the ART of Screwing in a LIGHT BULB without understanding the dry way.  For the Godforms of ELECTRICITY will strike you down if you use the WET WAY of the PUFFERS.

LET it be KNOWN that although we prefer to keep our art a Secret from the  PROFANE that one ORDER has been publically attacking our group on the INTERNET and making ad-hormone attacks against us.   

 We will not name the ORDER in question, but let it be known that a lawyer has joined our order and we have promoted him to the grade of 7=8 and given him the title Premonstrator Pro-bonum and he will be issuing writs to this group soon.  Needless to say MORGAN you have UNSCREWED your last and you shall be well and truly screwed.

A massage from our Secret CHIEF

From those who see the lightbub of the most HIGH face unto face, I bring you Greetings:

 I have been asked by the Secret Chiefs of the August Order to which it is my great honor to belong, to write about the traditional meaning and true initiatic function of the three degrees of the Second Order of the HERMETIC ORDER of LVX ILLUMINATE(Golden Dawn) ® better known to the profane  as the Hermetic Order of the Lightbulb.
As you will be aware, Israel Regardie purged all mention of the LIGHTBULB from his plagiarized and PROFANED work “GOLDEN DAWN” and failed to mention any thing connected to the 6=5 and 7=4 grades. 
Yet these grades contain re-elaborations of extremely ancient mysteries that have always accompanied humankind since the beginning of its appearance on this earth.  While the 5=6 describes the Vault where the light bulb is to be screwed, very few people know the secrets of the 6=5 and 7=4.
For the FIRST TIME I have given permission for this outline to be discussed PUBLICLY.
The 6=5 gives the adept some extreme powers.  Firstly it provides SECRET INSTRUCTIONS about how to turn OFF and ON the LVX formula.  This instruction was not provided to Crowley, which was why he was struck insane when he screwed in the bulb and found that the light had come on.    The 6=5 also explains the magical implement called the ten step ladder which is used to ascend in the vault.  The 7=4 deals with the reversed magic, which causes the old lightbulb to be removed, and the SECRET KNOWLEDGE of how many circumambulations are required of the bulb in the socket.   IT also brings in the bayonet fitting of DAATH.
For those of you who have ears to see, this information is enough.